Premier Group (UK) Ltd are manufacturers and OEM resellers of audio visual products. We are based at Units 8,9 and 11 Wern Industrial Estate in Newport, NP10 9FQ
Premier Group (UK) Ltd recognises a need to protect and improve the environment in which we work and serve, adopting wherever practicable the principles of sustainable development. We aim to progressively improve our practices in environmental management. We believe that such a commitment will deliver whole life cost benefits and new business opportunities for Premier Group (UK) Ltd.
In particular, throughout our business and in all our activities, we will:
· Consider the efficient use of energy, water and materials, the sustainable use of renewable resources and the reduction of adverse environmental impacts.
· Contribute to the conservation and protection of the natural environment.
· Ensure that we comply with all relevant environmental regulations
· Regularly measure key aspects of our environmental performance
· Promote environmental awareness among all our staff and encourage their involvement and suggestions.
· Expect our partners, key suppliers and contractors to share our concern for the environment and to work with us in identifying and applying best practice.
Ultimate responsibility for implementation of this policy rests with the Managing Director. We shall prepare annually a plan for the progressive improvement of environmental performance stating specific objectives for the year with associated quantifiable activity and performance targets. It will be signed-off by the Managing Director. Progress against the plan will be reported as part of the annual management review.